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Think about the last time you took public transit and how you experienced the places and spaces around transit. 你感到放松和精力充沛吗? 或者焦虑和不安全? 你赶时间吗? 或者简单地说,你找地方喝了一杯摩卡吗?



IBI Group was the prime consultant for the preliminary design of a 3km stretch of the No. 3路走廊在不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满.


Vibrant public spaces need to be integrated and embedded into transit infrastructure design. These spaces speak to the importance of the granular integration of transit and community context – they are part of the critical connective tissue, 支持高优先级的传输用户, 行人和他们的社区确实值得. The investments in these spaces give back to the community by demonstrating that people, 和他们的空间, 事.


The creation of urban places around transit infrastructure is one of the key ingredients that support the success of transit systems. These spaces and places surround and connect to transit while underpinning the significant public investment of a modern transit system. They are a vital pillar of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and other sustainable growth strategies in the city-building continuum. As high-caliber (and expensive) transit infrastructure is introduced, there is an expectation that the excitement of intensification, new development and community investment will follow soon after.

IBI Group provided a wide range of services to the Mason Corridor, 这条5英里长的快速公交线路连接了柯林斯堡的乘客, CO, 包括所有12个快速公交车站的设计.
AG平台提供场地制作, 建筑及工程服务, 和更多的, 到汉密尔顿的西港GO站, ON.


The urban environment and experience around transit infrastructure needs to be a bespoke, 多层, carefully-woven fabric – a high-quality and functional urban space with places to sit, 移动和相遇. When being viewed through the lens of pedestrians and transit users, 这些地方和空间需要为安全做出贡献, diverse and delightful experiences – this is what makes us feel comfortable, 受到激励并与我们的社区联系起来. The layers that support this experience include greening and landscapes, 纹理铺装材料, 舒适的座椅, 气候舒适策略, 步行照明, wayfinding, 可访问性的努力, 杰出的建筑和引人入胜的公共艺术. This connectivity extends beyond the transit facilities to the surrounding community through the careful integration of complementary businesses and land uses.


Supportive and vibrant land uses that form and extend the edges of these spaces help provide the open invitation for people to engage and enter, 什么是长期成功的关键. These land uses animate and enliven the space with businesses that energize and embrace the surrounding community. These land uses and businesses need to be allowed to evolve but the stage needs to be set for them through thoughtful design and integration strategies.

IBI Group collaborated with project engineers and city stakeholders to study and redesign the historic Main Street in Concord, NH.

The convenient coffee bar that satisfies our desire for caffeine and a quick conversation, 让我们思考或微笑的公共艺术, 丰富的色彩滋养着我们的感官, 纹理和对比.

Cathryn Chopko Beck areas of expertise include landscape and urban design, 土地利用规划, 社会经济分析/市场研究, 场地规划, 康乐及旅游规划, 政策制定和环境规划.


写的 凯瑟琳Chopko-Beck

导演|高级. 实践主管,城市设计/规划